Trisha’s revolutionary tweet by

Whenever Trisha opens her mouth, the media will make it a controversial issue but her recent tweet was a revolutionary one and it seems that the media is not bothered about it.
Trisha while referring to the Delhi rape case has mentioned in her twitter," Scientists are using animals for experimenting the new medicines they have invented. Instead of animals, the rape criminals and criminals who have raped children should be used for this." Seeing this there were lots of appreciations from lots of people.
Trisha while speaking with us said, "I was astonished when I saw the support I got seeing my tweet. The Delhi rape case has affected the minds of everyone. It is not humanitarian to use animals for experiments by the scientists. This is my personal view. Whenever I get the opportunity I emphasise on this.
I can never bear the animals being tortured. When things are like this how can you bear a girl being brutally assaulted and raped. When I heard this news I was not able to sleep. Because of this only I have mentioned in my twitter that such kind of rape criminals should be utilized for experiments by the scientists. This is good for the scientists and will also be a punishment for the criminals.
You have such a social responsibility. Then you could have avoided commenting about the drinking scene in Samar?
When the journalists asked me about this I mentioned about it coolly but they made it serious news. The matters which we speak friendly should not be published as news. I never mentioned that if there is a scene where I drink that film will be successful. In Telugu, two such films that had my drinking sequences were great hits. That’s all.
Samar was not a success as expected?
From this itself you can understand that if I have not said that if I drink that film will be a successful. Though the film did not do well at the box office, I have donned a different kind of role.
When his your next film?
In Telugu I am sharing the screen with three heroines. The story of this film will revolve around us. Getting this kind of role is a rare thing.
What is the title of film?

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