Deleted scenes of Viswaroopam

After overcoming lots of hurdles, the film Viswaroobam will be hitting the screens on 7th of this month. Kamal Haasan had held talks with the members of the Muslim Organisations and with the Home Secretary of Tamil Nadu State Government with regard to the controversies that hovered over the film Viswaroobam.
The matter was also settled amicably and it was decided to delete or mute certain controversial scenes. The deleted scenes are as follows:
· In the beginning of the film there should be a disclaimer stating that this film is not against Muslims or against any religions and the story is a fiction.
· The audio of the Holy Quran at the backdrop should be muted. The sequences will be there. Similarly the recitation of the verses of Holy Quran while beheading an American should be deleted.
· The sequences where Afghan children play with the guns shooting each other should be deleted.
· Apart from this certain dialogues are to be deleted.
· There is a scene where Kamal prays when there is a bomb blast in America. This should be deleted. The Namaz shown in the scene in the background is also to be deleted.
· There is a scene where Mullah Omar says that he was hiding in Coimbatore and Madurai. This is also being deleted.
· Actor Nasar will say that the duty of the Muslims is to destroy the non Muslims. This is also being deleted.

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