Vijay Sethupathy becomes a producer...

Actor Vijay Sethupathy debuted in the lead role in the Tamil film titled Thenmerku Paruvakaatru. His first film itself won the National Award. He continued to act in different genre of films like Pizza, Naduvula Konjam Pakkatha Kaanom and Soodhu Kavvum.

This made the people turn towards him. Now he is acting in a half a dozen of films. Now he has begun a production house called Vijay Sethupathy Productions.
Vijay Sethupathy while speaking about this to us said, "It is true that I have started my own production house. Sudhakar who is the assistant of director Hari will be directing my first film. The film has been titled Sangu Devan. I am donning the lead role.

The heroine is yet to be finalized. Dindigul is the backdrop of this film. Santhosh Narayanan who had composed wonderful music for Atta Kathy and Pizza is composing music for my film. This film will fulfil all the audience desires. We are commencing the shooting of this film during the month of June. I will definitely give chance to the new faces."

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