Kandha to hit the screens after three years..

Finally Kandha is getting released after three years. Kandha is a film directed by Babu K Viswanath. This film has been produced by V Palanivel. Kandha has Karan, Vivek, Mithra and Arthi in the cast.

The story of this film is about the hero (Karan) after completing his studies in abroad returns to his native place Thanjavur. How he controls the atrocities of the local goons is the rest of the story. The shooting of this film was completed three years ago. The film could not be released because the producer was in a financial crisis.

Karan demanded his balance salary. He also made a complaint against the producer in the Producers Council. This film was kept in storage because of so many problems. The director also walked out of this film leaving the producer in lurch and started directing a new film titled Theradi Veethi. Now the producer has overcome all the problems and is releasing this film on 22nd of this month.

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