Nobody has kidnapped me says Actress Anjali

Actress Anjali has phoned her brother Ravi Shankar and informed him that nobody has kidnapped her. 
Actress Anjali has alleged that her step mother Bharathi Devi has harassed her and has also swindled all her money. She has also alleged that director Kalanjiyam has also harassed her along with her step mother Bharathi Devi.

At this juncture, Anjali’s brother Ravi Shankar has complained to the police. He has mentioned, "My sister Anjali has been missing from Monday morning. Her step mother Bharathi Devi has been connected with her missing."
At this point of time, actress Anjali has spoken over the phone to her brother Ravi Shankar. She has said, "Nobody has kidnapped me. My step father Suri Babu pulled my hair and hit me. So I left the hotel. Now I am in a safe place. I will be back in two days and I will tell all the truth. There is nothing to be worried about. Hence I request you withdraw the complaint that you gave given to the police. Don’t withdraw the case against step mother Bharathi Devi.

She later on contacted the Telugu producer Ravi Kishore in whose film she is acting and said, "Due to family problems, I have left my house. I am extremely very sorry for the inconvenience caused by me. I will be back in two days and act in your films."
In between, the video footage where Anjali walks out of the hotel and telephonic conversations between Anjali and others has been released. Police are investigating on this. They have refused to withdraw the case. They have mentioned that the case can be withdrawn only if Anjali makes her physical appearance before the police.
It is expected that Anjali may appear before the media any moment in Hyderabad.

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