Ajith’s humble request

1st May happens to be the birthday of Ajith. His fans are making elaborate way to celebrate his birthday throughout Tamil Nadu. They are ready to put up huge cut outs, hoardings and posters.
When Ajith came to know about this, he has advised them to dispense with the celebrations. Normally Ajith does not celebrate his birthday. He has also requested his fans not to celebrate his birthday. Instead he has advised them to help their parents.

He has humbly requested his fans not to celebrate his birthday on 1st May. The fans have also accepted this.

Ajith while speaking about this said, “I request my fans not to spend money in printing posters and hoardings on the occasion of my birthday. Kindly give that money to poor students and help them study. Give the money for their food.”
He had also dissolved his fans clubs a couple of years ago. 

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